Referred Publications
1963 – Bennett, Jr., L.C., and Savin, S.M. The natural history of the Hardangerfjord, 6. Studies of the sediments of parts of the Ytre Samlafjord with the continuous seismic profiler. Sarsia, 14, 79-94.
1970 – Savin, S.M., and Epstein, S. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry of ocean sediments and shales. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 34, 25-42.
1970 – Savin, S.M., and Epstein, S. The oxygen isotopic compositions of coarse grained sedimentary rocks and minerals. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 34, 323-329.
1970 – Hecht, A.D., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen-18 studies of recent planktonic foraminifera: Comparisons of phenotypes and of test parts. Science, 170, 69-71.
1971 – Douglas, R.G., and Savin, S.M. Isotopic analysis of planktonic foraminifera from the Cenozoic of the Northwestern Pacific. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 6, 1123-1127.
1971 – Lyons, J.B., Savin, S.M., and Tamburi, A.J. Basement ice, Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island, Canada Jour. Glaciology, 58, 93-100.
1971 – Hecht, A.D., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen-18 studies of recent planktonic foraminifera. Science, 173, 167-169.
1972 – Hecht, A.D., and Savin, S.M. Phenotypic variation and oxygen isotope ratios in recent planktonic foraminifera. Jour. of Foraminiferal Res., 2, 55-67.
1972 – Yund, R.A., McCallister, R.H., and Savin, S.M. An experimental study of nepheline-kalsilite exsolution. Jour. Petrol., 13, 255-272.
1973 – Eslinger, E.V., and Savin, S.M. Mineralogy and oxygen isotope geochemistry of the hydrothermally altered rocks of the OhakiBroadlands, New Zealand geothermal area. Amer. Jour. Science, 273, 240-267.
1973 – Savin, S.M. and Douglas, R.G. Stable isotope and trace element geochemistry of recent planktonic foraminifera from the South Pacific. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 84, 2337-2342.
1973 – Eslinger, E.V., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen isotope geothermometry and mineralogy of the burial metamorphic rocks of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Glacier National Park, Montana. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 54, 2549-2560.
1973 – Eslinger, E.V., Mayer, L.M., Durst, T.L., Hower, J., and Savin, S.M. An X-ray technique for distinguishing between detrital and secondary quartz in the fine grained fractions of sedimentary rocks. Jour. Sed. Petrol., 43, 540-543.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 5 1973 – Douglas, R.G., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Cretaceous and Tertiary foraminifera from the Central North Pacific, DSDP Leg 17, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 17, 591- 605.
1973 – Savin, S.M. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies of minerals in ocean sediments. Proc. Intnl. Symposium on Hydrogeochemistry and Biogeochemistry, The Clark Co., 372-391 1974- Savin, S.M. and Stehli, F.G. Interpretation of oxygen isotope paleotemperature measurements,: Effects of the 18O/16O ratio of seawater, depth stratification of foraminifera, and selective solution, in Methodes quantitatives d’études des variations du climat au cours du Pleistocène, Colloque International du CNRS, 219, 183-201.
1975 – Oxygen isotope measurements of Tertiary and Cretaceous foraminifera and nannofossils from Sites 305 and 306, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 32, 509-520.
1975 – Savin, S.M., Douglas, R.G., and Stehli, F.G. Tertiary marine paleotemperatures. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 86, 1499-1510.
1976 – Yeh, H.W., and Savin, S.M. The extent of oxygen isotope exchange between clay minerals and sea water. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 40, 723-748.
1976 – Yeh, H.W., and Savin, S.M. The extent of oxygen isotope exchange between clay minerals and sea water. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 40, 723-748.
1976 – Eslinger, E.V., and Savin, S.M. Mineralogy and 18O/16O ratios of the finegrained quartz and clay from Site 323.
Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 35, 489.
1976 – Kalhan, S.C., Savin, S.M., and Adam, P.A.J. Measurement of glucose turnover in the human newborn with glucose-1- 13C. Jour. Clin. Endocr. Metab., 43, 704.
1976 – Kalhan, S.C., Savin, S.M., and Adam, P.A.J. Glucose-1- 13C as a tracer for the measurement of systemic glucose production. Proc. Second Intl. Conference on Stable Isotopes, E.R. Klein and P.D. Klein, eds., CONF- 751027, 330-335.
1976 – Adam, P.A.J., Kalhan, S.C., and Savin, S.M. Fuel metabolism in the infant of the diabetic mother: Attenuated mobilization of alternate fuels. Symposium on Diabetes and Other Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy and in the Newborn, Natl. Foundation March of Dimes, New York, A.R. Liss, Inc., publ., 1976, 51-67.
1977 – Yeh, H.W., and Savin, S.M. The mechanisms of burial metamorphic reactions in argillaceous sediments 3.
Oxygen isotope evidence. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 88, 1321-1330.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 6 1977 – Kalhan, S.C., Savin, S.M, and Adam, P.A.J. Estimation of glucose turnover using stable tracer glucose -1- 13C. Jour. Lab. Clin. Med., 89, 285.
1977 – Kalhan, S.C., Savin, S.M, and Adam, P.A.J. Attenuated glucose production rate in the newborn infants of insulin-dependent diabetic mothers. New England Jour. Med., 296, 375-376.
1977 – Savin, S.M. History of the earth’s surface temperature during the past 100 million years. Ann. Rev. Earth and Planet, Sci., 5, 319-355.
1978 – Douglas, R.G., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen isotopic evidence for the depth stratification of Tertiary and Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 3, 175-196.
1979 – Eslinger, E.V., Savin, S.M., and Yeh, H.W. Oxygen isotope geothermometry of diagenetically altered shales. In P.A. Scholle and P.R. Schulger, eds. Aspects of Diagenesis, Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec. Publ. No. 26, 113-124.
1979 – Barry, R., Fritz, H., Imbrie, J., Kutzbach, J., Mitchell, J.M, and Savin, S.M. Status and opportunities in paleoclimatic research. Quaternary Research, 12, 6-17.
1979 – Kalhan, S.C., D’Angelo, L., Savin, S.M., and Adam, P.A.J. Glucose production in pregnant women at term gestation: Sources of glucose for human fetus. Jour. Clinical Investigation, 63, 388-394.
1980 – Woodruff, F., Savin, S.M., and Douglas, R.G. Biological fractionation of oxygen and carbon isotopes by recent benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology 5, 3-11.
1980 – Kalhan, S.C., Bier, D.M., Savin, S.M., and Adam, P.A.J. Estimation of glucose turnover and 13C recycling in the human newborn by simultaneous 1- 13C glucose tracers. Jour. Clin. Endcr. Metab., 50, 456-460.
1980 – Savin, S.M. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope effects in low temperature mineral-water interactions. In P.Fritz and J.Fontes, eds. Handbook of Environmental Isotope Geochemistry, Vol. 1, Elsevier Publishing Co., 283-327.
1980 – Haq, B.U., Worsley, T.R., Burkle, L.H., Douglas, R.G., Keigwin, L.D., Jr., Opdyke, N., Savin, S.M., Sommer, M.A., Vincent, E., and Woodruff, F. Late Miocene marine carbon-isotopic shift and synchroneity of some phytoplanktonic biostratigraphic events. Geology, 8, 427-431.
1981 – Woodruff, F., Savin, S.M., and Douglas, R.G. Miocene stable isotope record: A detailed deep Pacific Ocean study and its paleoclimatic implications. Science, 212, 655-668.
1981 – Savin, S.M., and Yeh, H.W. Stable isotopes in ocean sediments. In C. Emiliani, ed., The Sea, Vol. VII, John Wiley-Interscience, 1521-1554.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 7 1981 – Savin, S.M., Douglas, R.G., Keller, G., Killingley, J.S., Shaughnessy, L., Sommer, M.A., Vincent, E., and Woodruff, F. Miocene benthic foraminiferal isotope records: A synthesis. Marine Micropaleontology, 6, 423-450.
1982 – Kalhan, S.C., Gilfillan, C., Tserng, K.Y., and Savin, S.M. Glucose production I in type 1 glycogen storage disease. Jour. Pediatrics, 101, 159- 160.
1982 – Savin, S.M. Stable isotopes in climatic reconstructions. In Climate in Earth History, Geophysics Study Committee, National. Research Council, National. Academy Press, 164-171.
1982 – Harrover, R.D., Norman, D.I., Savin, S.M., and Sawkins, F.J. Stable oxygen isotope and crystalline size analysis of the DeLong Mountain, Alaska, cherts: An exploration tool for submarine exhalative deposits. Economic Geology, 77, 1761-1766.
1983 – Loutit, T.S., Kennett, J.P. and Savin, S.M. Miocene equatorial and southwest Pacific paleoceanography from stable isotope evidence. Marine Micropaleotology, 8, 215-233.
1983 – Kalhan, S.C., Ricanati, E.S., Tsereng, K-Y., and Savin, S.M. Glucose turnover in chronic uremia: Increased recycling with diminished oxidation of glucose. Metabolism, 32, 1155-1162.
1984 – Savin, S.M., and Lee, M.C. estimation of subsurface temperatures from oxygen isotope ratios of minerals, Editions Technic, Thermal Phenomena in Sedimentary Basins, Intl. Colloquium. Bordeaux, France, June 7-10, 1983, 65-70.
1985 – Savin, S.M., Abel, L.J., Barrera, E., Hodell, D., Keller, G., Kennett, J.P., Killingley, J. Murphy, M., and Vincent, E. The evolution of Miocene surface and near-surface marine temperatures : oxygen isotopic evidence. In J.P. Kennett, ed. The Miocene Ocean: Paleoceanography and Biogeography. GSA Memoir, 163, 49-82.
1985 – Barrera. E., Keller, G., and Savin, S.M. Evolution of the Miocene ocean in the eastern north Pacific as inferred from oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of foraminifera. In J.P. Kennett, ed. The Miocene Ocean: Paleoceanography and Biogeography, GSA memoir, 163, 83-102.
1985 – Lee, M., and Savin, S.M. Isolation of diagenetic overgrowths on quartz and grains for oxygen isotopic analysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 49, 497-501.
1985 – Woodruff, F., and Savin, S.M. δ13C values of Miocene Pacific benthic foraminifera: Correlations with sea level and biological productivity. Geology, 13, 119-122.
1985 – Lee, M., Aronson, J.L., and Savin, S.M., K/Ar dating of the time of gas emplacement in the Rotiegendes Sandstone. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 69, 1381-1385.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 8 1985 – Savin, S.M., and Douglas, R.G. Sea level, climate, and the Central American Land Bridge, In F.G. Stehli and S.D. Webb, The Central American Land Bridge, Plenum Press, 303-324.
1985 – Schrieber, M., Kalhan, S.C., McCullough, A., and Savin, S.M. Branched chain amino acid metabolism in chronic renal failure and hemodialysis. Proc. EDTA European Renal Association, 22, 116-120.
1986 – Mullen, K., Denne, S., McCullough, A., Savin, S.M., Bruno, D., Tavell, A., and Kalhan, S.C. Leucine metabolism in stable cirrhosis. Hepatology, 6, 622-630.
1987 – Barrera. E., Huber, B.T., Savin, S.M., and Webb, P.N. Antarctic marine temperatures: Late Campanian through Paleocene. Paleoceanography, 2, 21-48.
1987 – Barrera. E., and Savin, S.M. Effect of sample preparation on the δ18O value of fine-grained calcite. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section) 66, 301-305.
1988 – Kalhan, S.C., Gilfillan, C.A., Tserng, K-Y., and Savin, S.M. Glucosealanine relations in normal human pregnancy. Metabolism, 37, 152-158.
1988 – Girard, J.P., Aronson, J.L., and Savin, S.M. Separation, K/Ar dating and 18O/16O ratio measurements of diagenetic K-feldspar overgrowths: An example from the lower cretaceous arkoses of the Angola Margin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 52, 2207-2214.
1988 – Savin, S.M. and Lee, M. Isotopic studies of phyllosilicates. In S.W. Bailey, editor, Hydrous Phyllosilicates, Reviews in Mineralogy, 19, 189- 224.
1988 – Kalhan, S.C., Hertz, R.H., Rossi, K.Q., and Savin, S.M. Glucose-alanine relationship in diabetes in human pregnancy. Metabolism, 37, 152-158.
1989 – Woodruff, F., and Savin, S.M. Miocene deep water oceanography. Paleoceanography, 4, 87-140.
1989 – Lee, M., Aronson, J.L., and Savin, S.M. Isotopic study of diagenesis of the Permian Rotligendes Sandstone, North Sea. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., 73, 195-215.
1989 – Girard, J-P., Savin, S.M. and Aronson, J.L. Diagenesis of the lower cretaceous arkoses of the Angola Margin: Petrologic, K/Ar dating and 18O/16O evidence. Jour. Sed. Petrol., 59, 519-538.
1989 – Savin, S.M., and Woodruff, F. Isotopic evidence for temperatures and productivity in the Tertiary oceans. In W.C. Burnett and S.R. Riggs, eds, Phosphate Deposits of the World Vol. III: Genesis of Neogene to Modern Phosphorites, Cambridge Univ. Press, 241-259.
1990 – Woodruff, F., Savin, S.M., and Abel, L.J. Miocene Benthic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopes, Site 709, Indian Ocean. Proc. Deep Sea Drilling Project, 115, 519-528.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 9 1991 – Feng, X., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen isotope studies of zeolites: Stilbite, analcime, heulandite and clinoptilolite I. Analytical techniques. Geoch. Soc. Spec. Publ., 3, 271-283.
1991 – Woodruff, F., and Savin, S.M. Mid-Miocene isotope stratigraphy in the deep sea: High resolution correlation, paleoclimatic cycles and sediment preservation. Paleoceanography, 6, (6), 755-806.
1991 – Kalhan, S.C., Hertz, R.H., Rossi, K.O., and Savin, S.M. Glucose-alanine relationship in diabetes in human pregnancy, Metabolism, 40, 629-633.
1992 – Clauer, N., Savin, S.M., and Chaudhuri, S. Isotopic compositions of clay minerals as indicators of the timing and conditions of sedimentation and burial diagenesis. In N.Clauer and S. Chaudhuri, eds., Isotopic Signatures and Sedimentary Records, Springer-Verlag, 239-286.
1993 – Giral, S., Savin, S.M., Girard, J-P., and Nahon, D.B. Oxygen isotope geochemistry of kaolinites from lateritic profiles: Implications for pedology and paleoclimatology, Chemical Geology, 107, 237-240.
1993 – Feng, X., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen isotope studies of zeolites: stilbite, analcime, heulandite, and clinoptilolite II. Kinetics and mechanisms of isotopic exchange between zeolites and water vapor, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 4219- 4238.
1993 – Feng, X., and Savin, S.M. Oxygen isotope studies of zeolites: stilbite, analcime, heulandite, and clinoptilolite III. Oxygen isotope fractionation between stilbite and water or water vapor, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 4239-4247.
1993 – Girard, J-P., Flicoteaux, R., Walter, A-V., Savin, S.M. and Nahon, D. Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of structural carbonate in weathering apatites from laterites, Applied Geochemistry, 8(6), 617-632.
1994 – Kalhan, S.C., Denne, S.C., Patel, D.M., Nuamah, I.F., and Savin, S.M. Leucine kinetics during a brief fast in diabetes in pregnancy, Metabolism, 43(3), 378-384.
1996 – Girard, J-P., and Savin, S.M. Intracrystalline fractionation of oxygen isotopes between hydroxyl and non-hydroxyl sites in kaolinite measured by thermal dehydroxylation and partial fluorination, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60 (3) 469-487.
1997 – Elliott, W.C., Savin, S.M., Dong, H., and Peacor, D.R. A paleoclimate interpretation derived from pedogenic clay minerals from the Piedmont Province, Virginia, Chemical Geology, 142, 201-211.
1997 – Barrera, E., Savin, S.M., and Thomas, E. Evidence for thermohaline circulation reversals controlled by sea level change in the latest Cretaceous, Geology, 25, 715-718.
1998 – Savin, S.M. and Hsieh, J.C.C. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope geochemistry of pedogenic clay minerals: Principles and theoretical background, Geoderma, 82, 227-253.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 10 1998 – Hsieh, J.C.C., Savin, S.M., Kelly, E.F., and Chadwick, O.A., Measurement of soil water 18O values by direct equilibration of soil samples with CO2, Geoderma, 82, 255-268.
1998 – Hsieh, J.C.C., Chadwick, O.A., Savin, S.M., and Kelly, E.F., Oxygen isotopic composition of soil water: Quantifying evaporation and transpiration, Geoderma, 82, 269-293.
1998 – Raghavan, C.V., Super, D.M., Chatburn, R.L., Savin, S.M., Farnaroff, A.A., and Kalhan, S.C., Estimation of total body water in very-lowbirthweight infants using anthropometry with and without bioelectric impedance and H2[ 18O], American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68, 668- 674.
1998 – Giral-Kacmarcik, S., Savin, S.M., Nahon, D.B., Girard, J-P., Lucas, Y., and Abel, L.J. Oxygen isotope geochemistry of kaolinite in lateriteforming processes, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 62, 1865-1879.
1998 – Kalhan, Satish, C., Rossi, K.Q., Gruca, L.L., Super, D.M. and Savin, S.M., Relation between transamination of branched chain amino acids and urea synthesis: evidence from human pregnancy. American Journal of Physiology, 275 (Endocrinology and Metabolism), E423-E431.
1999 – Bechtel, A., S.M. Savin, and S. Hoernes. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compostion of clay minerals of the Bahloul Formation in the region of the Bou Grine zinc-lead ore Deposit (Tunisia): evidence for fluid-rock interaction in the vicinity of salt dome cap rock. Chemical Geology, 156, 191-207.
1999 – Miller, K.G., Barrera, E., Olsson, R.K., Sugarman, P.J., Browning, J.V., and Savin, S.M., Ice drives early Maastrichtian eustasy: Global δ18O and New Jersey sequences, Geology, 27, 783-786.
1999 – Barrera, E.B. and Savin, S.M., Evolution of late Campanian-Maastrichtian marine climates, in Barrera, E., and Johnson, C., The Evolution of Cretaceous Ocean-Climate Systems, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 332, 245-282.
2002 – Hailemichael, M., Aronson, J., and Savin, S.M. Delta 18O in mollusk shells from Pliocene Lake Hadar and modern Ethiopian lakes: implications for the history of the Ethiopian Monsoon, Paleogeography, Paleclimatology, Paleoecology 186, 81-99.
2003 – Ylagan, R.F., Alataner, S.P., Savin, S.M., Aronson, J.L., Belkin, H.E., and Pozzuoli, A., Geothermometry, geochronology, and mass transfer associated with hydrothermal alteration of a rhyolitic haloclastite from Ponza Island, Italy, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67, 275-288.
2003 – Ziegler, K., Hsieh, J.C.C., Chadwick, O.A., Kelly, E.F., Hendricks, D.M., and Savin, S.M., Halloysite as a kinetically controlled end product of aridzone basalt weathering, Chemical Geology, 202, 461-478.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 11 2004 – Alexandre, A., Meunier, J.-D., Llorens, E., Hill, S.M., and Savin, S.M., Investigation of silcrete formation: oxygen isotope ratio of silcrete quartz cement, Lake Eyre Basin (Australia), Chemical Geology, 211, 261-274.
2005 – Guliy, V.N., Mitchell, G.G, and Savin, S. M.,Полигенность месторождений докембрия: апатит-карбонатные руды Алданского шита (Polygenetic origin of Precambrian beds: apatite-carbonate ores of the Aldan Shield). Ukrainian Geologist, 2, 56-67.
2008 – Aronson, J., Hallemichael, M., and Savin, S.M., Hominid environments at Hadar from paleosol studies in a framework of Ethiopian climate change. Journal of Human Evolution, 55, 532-550.
1993 – Swart, P., Lohmann, K.C., McKenzie, J., and Savin, S.M., editors. Climate Change in Continental Isotopic Records, American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph, v. 78, American Geophysical Union. 1995 – Thurman, Harold V. And Savin, S.M. Laboratory Exercises in Oceanography, Prentice-Hall. CONFERENCE AND BOOK REVIEWS 1980 – Pre-Pleistocene Climates. Nature, 286, 553-554.
1983 – Savin, S.M. Stable Isotopes, Proc. Fourth Intnl. Conference, H.L. Schmidt et al., Geochim, Cosmochim. Acta, 47, 2297-2298.
1985 – Savin, S.M. Stable Isotopes in Sedimentary Geology, M. Arthur et al., Economic Geology, 83, 522.
1988 – Savin, S.M. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Oceans, K.J. Hsu, ed., Economic Geology, 83, 1296-1297.
1990 – Savin, S.M. Isotope Chronostratigraphy: Theory and Methods, D.F. Williams and W.E. Full, eds., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 54, 2346.
Field Guide Chapters
1983 – Eggleston, T.L., Norman, D.I., Chapin, C.E., and Savin, S.M. Geology, alteration and genesis of this Luis Lopez Manganese District, New Mexico. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 34th Field Conference, 241-246.
Popular Articles
1987-Tevsz, M.J., and Savin, S.M. Lake shores in retreat. Gamut, 21, 21-35.
1988-Savin, S.M. The great earthquake of ‘86, Gamut, 23, 52-60.
Samuel M. Savin February 18, 2011 Page 12
Television Productions
1985 – The Lake at our Doors- (Co-produced with M.Tevesz, Cleveland State University) Broadcast by WEWS-TV (Cleveland), 1985, over commercial cable channels, by Toledo educational TV station and by WVIZ (Cleveland Public Television). Included in WVIZ-TV cable instructional network to area educational institutions.
1985 – The Legacy of the Glacier- (Co-produced with M.Tevesz, Cleveland State University) Broadcast by WVIZ. Included in WVIZ-TV cable instructional network to area educational institutions.