Montéclair Passepied
Note:  Meaning of ?—misprint.  Again the speed is not a daunting factor in retaking.  Baffling contradiction between top and bottom bowings:  seem to be both in 2-measure groupings but  opposite within measures.  Montéclair labels hemiola in 4th last measure but in 2nd and 3rd last implies it in bottom but contradicts it in top.  Why?



Corrette, Méthode théorique et pratique for cello, Paris, 1741.  Passepied
Note:  T = down bow (tirez); P = up bow (poussez). Why retake on 2nd measure?  Everything else as it comes.  Like his minuets for violins, establishes rule of down-bow then forgets about it.  M.2 retake like Montéclair.



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