I have a joint appointment in the Departments of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences and Biology and teach courses in each department, among them evolutionary biology, paleontology, invertebrate ecology, historical geology and environmental law. I direct our Environmental Studies Program and teach courses in that also. I used to direct the Center for the Environment at CWRU. I formed and led the group of faculty that gave CSP its initial structure and got it approved by the College, and I have been its first director. My research when I can get to it focuses on the ecology of marine and freshwater invertebrates that live at the bottom of lakes and oceans and how they affect the properties of the sediment they live in. Its biology, chemistry, geology and physics all interacting near an important interface. It’s important because sediments can be a big source or sink of nutrients and pollutants to the overlying water, and because this is the ecosystem most easily and often preserved in sedimentary rocks. I figure I have spent over a thousand hours underwater.